請填寫以下表單,留下清楚的訊息,我們將會立即與您聯繫。 For we can provide you a better service, please fill in all * fields below.
Please subject your question here.
請完整描述您本次的需求所製成的成品 Please tell us details about your finish product.
請完整描述您本次的需求所使用的原料 Please tell us details about your raw product of products.
未乾燥前溫度 Before Drying Temp. _______度 (℃) (1) 乾燥溫度 Drying Temp.________度 (℃) (2) 乾燥時間 Drying Time.________秒 (Sec)
二次乾燥溫度 Two stage Drying: (1) 一次乾燥 1st . stage________度 (℃) (2) 二次乾燥 2nd . stage ________度 (℃) 二次乾燥時間 Two Drying Time: (1) 一次乾燥 1st . stage ________秒 (Sec) (2) 二次乾燥 2nd . stage ________秒 (Sec)
乾燥前 Before Drying _______ g (重量 Weight ) , _______kg/cm3 ( 密度 Density ) 乾燥後 After Drying _______ g (重量 Weight ) , _______kg/cm3 ( 密度 Density )
(1) 乾燥前 Before Drying (mm) 長 L___ 寬 W___ 高 H___ (2) 乾燥後 After Drying (mm) 長 L___ 寬 W___ 高 H___
乾燥前 Before Drying _____% 乾燥後 After Drying_____%
表面溫度 Surface temp_____度 (℃) 中心溫度 Core temp_____度 (℃)
請完整描述您本次的需求產能 Please tell us details about your needs expected capacity (finish product ). __________kg/hr
請以下列方式回覆 (1) 於乾燥時,產品是否需要翻轉 ? During drying, product needs often turn/stair (how often) ? (2) 乾燥前是否會沾黏 ? After frying, how long does it take to get surface become solidification ? (3) 乾燥前含水率 Product oil contain before frying (4) 乾燥後產品含水率 Product oil contain after frying (5) 產品對於乾燥溫度的變化是否非常敏感 ? (乾燥溫度限制) Is the product very sensitive to the dryer Temp ? (temp limit range) (7) 在乾燥時,產品是否可以重疊堆疊? During the drying, product can be over-lap or not?
請填寫完整的公司名稱 Please enter your company name here.
請輸入貴公司的網站 URL Provide your company web site if you got one.
請選擇您的國家 (預設為台灣) Select your company location here.
請選擇您的商業型態 Please select what business type you are.
請留下您的大名 Please enter contact person's name.
請留下正確的 E-mail Please enter valid email address here.
請留下您的聯絡電話或行動電話 Please enter correct phone number here.
如可以,請留下您的傳真號碼 Please enter correct Fax number here.
By consenting to this privacy notice you are giving us permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified. Consent is required for us to process your personal data, and your data will not be shared to third parties.